key differences between counselling adults and children/young people Critical Reflection, FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS key differences between counselling adults and children/young peopleadmin2023-12-23T13:05:32+00:00
motivational interviewing in brief consultations Addiction, FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, FOR SOCIAL WORKERS motivational interviewing in brief consultationsadmin2021-07-26T09:52:04+00:00
children and violence: an introductory, international and interdisciplinary approach Anger, Critical Reflection, FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, FOR SOCIAL WORKERS, Trauma children and violence: an introductory, international and interdisciplinary approachadmin2021-07-22T10:03:37+00:00
exploring play: the importance of play in everyday life Critical Reflection, FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, FOR SCHOOL STAFF, Neuroscience, Trauma exploring play: the importance of play in everyday lifeadmin2021-07-09T11:16:19+00:00
adolescent trauma and substance abuse Addiction, FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, FOR SOCIAL WORKERS, Trauma adolescent trauma and substance abuseadmin2021-06-30T08:40:17+00:00
the incredible 5-point scale Autism, FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, FOR PARENTS/CARERS, FOR SCHOOL STAFF, SEN the incredible 5-point scaleadmin2023-12-23T13:06:56+00:00
understanding autism, asperger’s and ADHD ADHD, Autism, FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, FOR PARENTS/CARERS, FOR SCHOOL STAFF, FOR SOCIAL WORKERS, SEN understanding autism, asperger’s and ADHDadmin2023-12-23T13:07:59+00:00
girls on the autism spectrum Autism, FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, FOR PARENTS/CARERS, FOR SCHOOL STAFF, FOR SOCIAL WORKERS, SEN girls on the autism spectrumadmin2023-12-23T13:09:32+00:00
focussed acceptance & commitment therapy FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS focussed acceptance & commitment therapyadmin2023-12-23T13:11:58+00:00
the evidence for counselling children and young people Assessment, Critical Reflection, FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS the evidence for counselling children and young peopleadmin2021-06-05T11:39:22+00:00